Atlantic Hurricane Season 2017: Are you prepared? - Elite Watersports

Atlantic Hurricane Season 2017: Are you prepared?

view of hurricane on Earth from space

The 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season is upon us and, according to The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), it is going to bring higher chances of activity than last year, with a prediction for above-normal probability. Are you prepared? 

2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook

For many of us here in Florida, we feel as if we’ve “been there, done that” and know what to do incase of a hurricane. No, ‘Hurricane Parties’ don’t count!! But in all seriousness, ask yourself, are you really prepared? Thanks to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) we have an outlined method of preparedness to help keep us safe this hurricane season. 

Gather Information

Plan & Take Action

  1. The first step to being prepared for anything is to educate yourself. Find out whether or not you’re located in an evacuation area. If you are, figure out the approved evacuation route(s) to safety nearest you. It is also very important to have a planned place to stay within the safe-zone for when/if you are ordered to evacuate and will need a place to spend a few nights. Your local emergency management agency will have more detailed information on these areas and routes. Know Your Zone!
  2. Put together an Emergency Kit ahead of time. This kit will be filled with essentials needed during a disaster which could make all the difference.
    1. Water (1 Gallon per person, per day), Food (3-day supply of Non-Perishables), Flashlights, Batteries, Cash, First Aid Supplies, Copies of Critical Information (Personal and Emergency), Whistle, Dusk Masks, and if space permits, Spare Personal Hygiene and Clothing Items.
    2. FEMA Recommended Supply List in PDF
  3. Know your home’s vulnerabilities. Understand the areas of your home most susceptible to damage from storm surges, excessive wind speed, and flooding. Then make a plan to help protect it.
    1. Trim low hanging tree branches, or any damaged landscaping that could come loose during a storm. Secure and clear your home’s trim and gutters. Retrofitting to re-enforce your doors, windows, and roof. Purchase a generator.
  4. Understand the meaning of and differences between the Hurricane Alerts that you’ll experience.
    1. Hurricane Watch: Conditions possible within the next 48 hours. 
    2. Hurricane Warning: Conditions are expected within the next 36 hours. 

2017 Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Names

2017 NOAA Press Conference Audio 

Discussion: 2017 Hurricane Outlook and Preparedness.

Click the link above to listen to the NOAA Press Conference.

Atlantic tropical cyclones and disturbances

Above is the current Active Hurricane Outlook in the Atlantic as of June 19th, according to NOAA. 

We hope you find this post useful and informative. Below we have included several links that will take you to the government sites cited throughout the post so that if you wish to do further research you can.

Please share this post to your loved ones and let’s be safe out there. 

-Elite Watersports



(Video from Hurricane Wilma in 2005)

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