2017/18 Kiteboarding Season Opener Party!
The kiteboarders of Tampa Bay rejoice come October 1st, as that is the first day of our kiteboarding season! What better way to celebrate the start of our favorite time of year than to party at the local kiteboarding shop?! Elite Watersports would like to invite you to spend an evening with our Shop Staff and Elite Instructors in celebration of the season opener. Meet and visit with fellow kiters from around Tampa and St. Petersburg while enjoying a free fish fry and adult beverages. We have a lot planned for the party and are super stoked to see all of our kiteboarding friends in one place again! So, bring your friends/family and join us Saturday, September 30th @ 7:30 pm at Elite Watersports.
WHEN: Saturday, September 30th, 2017 @ 7:30 pm – 11:30 pm
WHERE: Elite Watersports – 4100 34th Street South, St. Petersburg, FL 33711
WHY: 2017/18 Kiteboarding Season Opener Party!
WHAT: Expect the following to be present so, that means you better be, too!
- Free Fish Fry (other food will be present but feel free to bring your favorite dish to share if you’d like!)
- Free Adult Beverages (Beer and Rum)
- Kite-themed Games
- Fire-throwing & Hula Hoop Entertainment
- 2018 Kite Gear Promo Videos on 160″ Projector Screen
- Local Kiter’s Personal Kite Videos on 160″ Projector Screen (if you have some you’d like to share, please email them to ride@elitewatersports.com)
- Pro Advice from the Elite Instructors (Have questions about the upcoming kite season? Ask away!)
- Free Raffle Drawing (swag and kite gear/merchandise!)
- $10 entry Raffle Drawing for a New Xenon Surf Board!
- and more…!
More information to follow but for now, we wanted to shoot out a message to everyone so we can all mark our calendars and plan accordingly because we hope to see you all there! Let’s make the 2017/18 Kiteboarding Season the best yet!
Cheers, everyone!
-Elite Watersports
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