Elite Watersports Blog

Blog posts about Kitesurfing, kiteboarding, gear, tricks, how to and more

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All the locations of Florida and more. Enjoy the water and be in the know before you get there.

Beginner Info

There is so much to learn when it comes to all of the different watersports we do. With our constant evolution of teaching techniques we try to keep you informed too. Learn everything we know through our blogs. 

Our Events

Several times a year we host races, fundraisers, competitions and more. We here at Elite Watersports are fully involved in the industry and our local community.  

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Tips and Tricks

Learn from the best with these tips and tricks.  

   We as a team at Elite Watersports thoroughly enjoy being on the water testing all equipment out. We also love giving back to our community in many ways than one. These blogs are a part of what we do. You'll find plenty of How too videos, along with news as we see it in the industry, along with reviews and beginner tutorials.