Downwinder For The Bay

Elite Watersports Presents:
Downwinder For The Bay
A downwinder to raise funds for Tampa Bay Watch
Elite Watersports is proud to announce this exciting event. We know how much fun a downwinder can be for kiteboarders and we know how valued our beautiful Tampa Bay waterways are as well. So, we have decided to host a downwinder in honor of a local organization who strives to ensure the water and ecosystems we all love so much stay healthy and safe.

When: First windy Saturday OR Sunday of March
- 03/03, 03/04 – NOT Happening. Postponed to the following windy weekend due to unfavorable forecast. Hoping next weekend looks better.
- 03/10, 03/11
- 03/17, 03/18
Where: 20+ mile downwinder
- Begin: Sand Key
- End: Pass-A-Grille Beach
What: Downwind, Free-Ride for Charity. A casual, FUN experience for ALL levels of riders. This is not a race, just an organized downwinder to raise funds for a great cause.
Why: To raise funds and awareness for Tampa Bay Watch (TBW). The kiteboarding community of Tampa Bay thrives off of the epic waterways surrounding us. We are able to kite in any wind direction and nearly year-round. We live in paradise, that’s for certain, but what some may forget is that we live in a kiter’s paradise too! The team at Elite Watersports wants to give back to those who assist in keeping our beautiful waterways and ecosystems healthy.
How: $500 per Participant
Each rider participating in the downwinder is required to raise $500
Raising the Funds
Friends, Family, and Local Businesses
The amount is not intended to come solely from the pocket of the rider; the amount is intended to be “Raised”. Whether you involve your friends and family, ask a local business for support, or choose to donate from your own private business, the funds will be given to Tampa Bay Watch.
- CONTACT INFORMATION (home address, full name, and email) from all those donating to you as a rider (whether you’re a Foundation Rider or not) is REQUIRED in order for them to receive the tax forms. Please don’t forget to gather this information, on behalf of those who are helping support this event and TBW.
Private Business Owners
If you wish to donate, this is a perfect opportunity to highlight your business and get exposure within the Kiteboarding communities
- Your business will be highlighted on our event pages, with links to your business website.
Tax Write Off
Tampa Bay Watch will supply all necessary documents and mail directly to each participant and donor
- Anyone who rides in downwinder or donates $25 or more to the event will receive a 1-year membership to Tampa Bay Watch.
- All riders participating in the Downwinder For The Bay will be given an event jersey. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR SHIRT SIZE when you register as a participant rider.
To REGISTER as a Foundation Rider: Please click the above link and pay $50. This amount will lock you in as a Foundation Rider and your name will be added to the list of riders people can select to donate toward. We will publicly track the rate of your donations and once you’ve reached $500, you will be officially registired as a participant in the downwinder.
If you do not wish to be added to the public donation list, but do wish to ride in the event, REGISTER by clicking the link above and pay $500. This will automatically register you for the downwinder. Please NOTE: If you wish to gather the funds separately (it’s not all coming from your pocket or you don’t want to do it publicly) PLEASE record the contact information of the donor.
All registered riders will be given an event jersey: PLEASE INCLUDE SHIRT SIZE when you register.
THANK YOU for donating! If you wish to donate to a specific Foundation Rider, please click the link above and select the Foundation Rider’s name you’re supporting and then the donation amount you wish to contribute. PLEASE remember to provide your contact information (home address, email, and full name) in order to receive the tax forms.
If you wish to donate to the event but do not know a Foundation Rider to donate toward, feel free to randomly select one or to select the option to donate to the cause (Tampa Bay Watch). Please include your contact information.

More Information On
[Information provided by TBW]
Over the last 100 years, Florida’s largest estuary underwent dramatic changes to habitat and water quality due to widespread and uncontrolled dredging and filling activities, exponential population growth, commercial and recreational misuse, and rapid urbanization. This led to the loss of 70% of all seagrass and salt marsh zones, which threatened the habitat of wild and marine life as well as rapidly decreased the water quality throughout Tampa Bay.
Our Approach:
For 25 years Tampa Bay Watch works to preserve the delicate ecological balance that exists in Tampa Bay by training volunteers, students, and businesses to participate in environmental restoration projects while also planning for the future by educating younger generations to appreciate and care for the bay through field trips and summer camps.
At Tampa Bay Watch we believe it is our responsibility to ensure that the Tampa Bay of tomorrow is more beautiful than the Tampa Bay of today.
How We Do It:
Here is how Tampa Bay Watch is working to restore the bay.
- Oyster Domes and Reefs (https://tampabaywatch.org/restoration/oyster-communities/oyster-reef-balls/): We build oyster domes at our headquarters in Tierra Verde and install them along seawalls and shorelines to recreate oyster reefs. Oysters are critical to restoration as they help improve water quality by acting as a natural filter and creating a habitat for marine species.
- Seagrass and Salt Marsh Planting (https://tampabaywatch.org/bgic/planting-process/) : Estuaries like Tampa Bay need seagrass and salt marsh lands in order for wild and marine life to survive. Additionally, salt marsh helps stabilize shorelines by protecting against erosion and trapping sediment that would otherwise go into the bay. We partner with schools throughout Tampa Bay to grow, harvest, and plant salt marsh along our coastal zones.
- Summer Camp and Field Trips (https://tampabaywatch.org/education/) : Our unique curriculum, field trip, and summer camp program allows children from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds to come and gain hands-on, real life experiences on the water and in the classroom, fostering and encouraging the next generation to form a positive relationship with the estuary and become future stewards of the bay.
- Marine Debris (https://tampabaywatch.org/marine-debris/) : An estimated 14 billion pounds of trash are dumped in the ocean yearly, creating dangerous hazards for marine life and human health. Your support helps us organize coastal cleanups, fishing line recycling, and derelict crab trap removal community events throughout the year.
How you can help:
There are several ways to get involved with bay restoration and protection. At Tampa Bay Watch, we invite you to become a member and encourage everyone to volunteer with our various restoration projects. Members and volunteers are the lifeblood of our restoration and education program; without your support, we simply cannot conduct our work.
Together, it’s amazing what we can accomplish!

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