When To Kite foil and when to learn how to kitefoil

When To Kite foil and when to learn how to kitefoil

When to go Kite Foiling and when to learn how to kite foil.

Kite foiling has been hot for some time now. We receive this question on a frequent bases. When should I go Kite Foil? In our honest belief, we tend to optimize our days on the water. Some days are best suited to kiteboarding with a twin tip. Other days are best to kite foil. And at the other end of the spectrum you find yourself on a beautiful beach with big bright blue waves and white water, you should grab a kite surfboard. 

So when should you go kite foil. Well for me, there is no set answer but in most situations it's when the winds are less that 15. I prefer to go out and learn something new on a strapless foil but you may want more winds to learn how to jump. Flat calm condition are my style, but other want to ride waves and feel that sensation. I save that for wind winging.  

We don't ever recommend learning how to foil in less winds than would easily propel you across the water on a twin tip. The best scenario for learning to hydrofoil is when you don't have to power stroke the kite too hard in order to stand up and ride. We want you to focus on the board and foil and not the kite. 

In normal and ideal conditions you as the student would focus more on the foil than the kite. If you find yourself focusing so hard on the board that the kite is out of control, it's a direct connection to the kite being under powered and you need to go up in size. Unless you are just so overpowered that as soon as you stand up more than 5 seconds worth, you then turn into a rocket, thats when you need to go down in size kite. 

All too often we see people permanently taking a trip on the struggle bus. We see this the most when the wind dies too much to twin tip and then now they want to learn to foil. Like I said before, if you have to focus so much on your kite to keep it up in the air, then there is not enough breeze to learn progressively. You should be focused on your foil and board, not the kite. Wait for another day. On that next day, leave your twin tip at home, and bring all your size kites. Number one rule in kiteboarding, don't trust the forecast. Number one fact in kiteboarding is if you don't go the beach, then you defiantly won't kiteboard.    

For your entertainment.

Here is a pretty cool video I did with JKproductionz.com back in 2015,


HOK-To Foil or not to Foil...there is no question!! from JK Productionz on Vimeo.


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