Last updated 3-18-2024

A guide to kitesurfing Lido Beach Sarasota Florida.

Everything you need to know kiteboarding here. 

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Kiteboarding in Sarasota Forida

The Gulf Coast of Florida has some of the best kitesurfing in the world. It’s known for its warm beautiful waters and scenic beaches. We’re based out of Tampa Bay but we love to kite the surrounding areas. There are so many kiteboarding locations and hidden gems here. Thirty miles south of St Petersburg you’ll find Lido Beach in Sarasota Florida.

Lido Beach is one of Florida's most pristine beaches. People travel from all over to watch dolphins, go on cruises, kayaking, and fishing. If you’re a Sarasota local, this is a beautiful beach to kitesurf or wingfoil. There are some common sense rules and things to be aware of here.

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Table Of Content

  • Why you will love kitesurfing Lido Beach Sarasota.
  • The best wind directions to kitesurf Lido Beach Sarasota.
  • What you need to know when kiteboarding here.
  • What to avoid kiting here.
  • Where to get kitesurfing lessons in Sarasota Florida.

Why Lido Beach is great for kitesurfing.

Lido Beach is one of the cleanest beaches you can find. Soft sand, and scenic views for miles. This is an ocean location with deep water, not a lagoon, Yet, you will find forgiving kitesurfing conditions here and something for everyone.

Unlike much of the Gulf Coast, there is no need for booties here! On the north side of the beach past the lifeguard towers, the currents are not too bad. Although it is still deep water, be aware that there can be a small shorebreak.

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The wave kickers here can be very fun for big air kiteboarding. On the South side of Lido Beach, the currents from the tide can be stronger. You can use this to your advantage on an outgoing tide with the wind coming in. This will add loads of extra power for air time. You can also use this on light wind days to get extra power riding in less wind than you would think.

Sarasota is a popular tourist destination so if you are visiting Florida you’re family can enjoy a day at the beach and other activities after the session. There are hundreds of stores, gardens, and outdoor dining. There is an aquarium and mangrove tours among many other family activities.

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Best Wind Directions for Kiteboarding Lido Beach Sarasota.


South winds at Lido Beach Sarasota are smooth and warm. Avoid southeast winds as they will clock offshore. Being an ocean location, it's important to only ride on side and side on the winds here.

When there is some west in the wind, you can catch extra power here on the outgoing tide. North or south winds will line you up for wave kickers for extra height on kiteboarding jumps.

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North winds are generally a bit gustier. This is because cold wind tends to be more dense. Big air kiters use this to their advantage for air time during the winter months here. As the spring rolls around, you’ll get more south winds and smoother freeride sessions.

Lido Beach is beginner-friendly but kitesurfing lessons are always recommended. Likewise, there are beaches with a larger community and schools watching out for new riders. We encourage any new kiteboarders to visit skyway beach. If you want to learn, book a lesson with Elite Watersports.

What to expect when kitesurfing at Cypress Park.

Lido Beach is a tourist destination so parking can be limited. You will find more parking on the north side of the lifeguard towers. There can be lots of beachgoers so be sure to give non-kiters lots of room.

The beach is large, so there is plenty of space to rig up kites or to launch and land. There is a bird sanctuary here so give the birds plenty of room. There will be signs but steer clear of any birds you see in general. They are very protective here.

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The lifeguard towers do move and you want to kite on the north or south side of them. The south side is Lido Beach is amazing but more advanced. There is also less parking.

The water here can be beautiful and flat. Be mindful of the tides here. It can be amazing with an outgoing tide with incoming wind but an incoming tide can be difficult. Tides can also bring strong currents so if you are a new kitesurfer, it's best to avoid them.

What to avoid kiteboarding here.

The most important thing when kiting Lido Beach Sarasota is to give beachgoers the right of way. Let’s keep our Florida beaches safe and open for kitesurfing. Be respectful of the birds and give protected areas lots of room. The shore break here is usually manageable but it can get big. Be aware of the tides south of the lifeguard towers.

  • Beach goers. Give people the right of way.
  • Don’t set up in crowded areas.
  • Don’t launch or land your kite near non-kiters.
  • Don’t kite in designated swim areas or between lifeguard towers.
  • This is a bird Sanctuary. Avoid marked-off areas.

Where to take kiteboarding lessons in Sarasota.

Book a kiteboarding lesson in Tampa.jpg__PID:bbfc07cf-fc1a-48a9-ae0b-33355203fc1aReserve A Lesson

You should never attempt kiteboarding without a lesson. Tampa is one of the easiest cities to learn. We have the best conditions for fast progression. Most kiteboarding lessons are taught at Skyway Beach in St Petersburg. There is shallow water, a massive community of local kiteboarders, and jet ski support. There are a few lesson package options available to choose from. We teach every one of all levels and ages. If you’re just getting started or working on something like jumping, we can help you out. Reserve a lesson today.

Call us for more info on kiteboarding in Sarasota.

Elite Watersports has served the Tampa and St Petersburg area for years. They offer kiteboarding and wingsurfing lessons. They also have a retail shop equpit with all of the latest kitesurfing gear. 

If you need help give us a call. .

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Ryan "Rygo" Goloversic


Kiteboarding Tampa

Lido Beach Sarasota

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